d/d Play Dens s/d Play Dens | Dog Kennels / Dog ShedsSingle Outdoor Living Dog Kennels / Multi Room Outdoor Living Dog KennelsLiving dog sheds sizes from ... 4 ft x 4 ft up to 6 ft x 8 ft as single kennel. We also have a range of double, triple and quadruple kennel blocks. We can within reason, manufacture virtually any size of multiple kenneling facility you may require. All our dog sheds have a double reverse stable door and an internal anti draught partition as standard. The following is only a guide : 4 ft x 4 ft suitable for (1) medium dog or (2) small - medium size dogs 4 ft x 6 ft suitable for (1) medium - large dog or (2) medium size dogs 6 ft x 6 ft suitable for (2) medium - large dogs, (3) medium size dogs or (1) very large dog 6 ft x 8 ft suitable for (3-4) medium - large dogs or up to (2) very large dogs
read our shed buying guide .... >>> For Metric sizes CLICK HERE For Building Foundations Recommendations ...... CLICK HERE All building sizes given in either imperial or metric are approximate and are for reference proposes only. All standard products are manufactured to as near as is possible, to the metric equivalent of the Imperial size. Unit 2, Harlaw Business Centre, Harlaw Road, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Uk, AB51 4FR Tel....01467 625300 Fax....01467 625643 E-mail bsjoinery@bsjoinery.com